Response to the client brief

 Explanation of demographics

The brief doesn't give an audience. However, The audience would be people aged 15-30 years old. To appeal to the audience, I will include some young people and make use of upbeat music. The advantage is that I am 17 years old and I would be able to know the things that this type of audience has an interest in. However, some people may not have an interest in chocolates, so I would need to ensure that the product I advertise catches their attention.


I will include some music to lighten the people's mood when the ad is showing. I will include some people in the ad so that the audience knows that it is for them. I will have a shot of the chocolate as it is the main product of the advert and it is what I am promoting. The call to action would be for people to go online to find out more information about the chocolate itself, or to even buy it.  The key message for this is that you will have pleasure when eating chocolates.

Industry requirements

The institution my advert is being produced for is Cadbury. Cadbury was founded by John Cadbury in 1824. They have produced products such as Dairy Milk, Crème Eggs, and Crunchie. Cadbury spent more than £1 million on a new logo. The most popular Cadbury chocolate is Dairy Milk. They did a few ad campaigns for this product. Their first chocolate bar was Fry's chocolate dream. The advantage of working with this institute is that Cadbury is a big product and that a lot of people have a big interest in their product. However, given the idea that it is a relaunch, they would want to sell new things rather than old ones. One of the issues the advert must consider is to not promote an unhealthy eating lifestyle. The institutional information the text should include is Cadbury's official website.

This is an example of one of their print ad for their products. They included the name of the chocolate on the side of the poster, along with all the other chocolate with different flavours, such as caramel, which has a yellow input on the packet. this would give the audience the choice of which one they prefer. 


The medium that I am working in is TV and Print. I am producing a 30 second TV advert along with a digital poster for the print ad. This genre fits best in advertising.


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