Idea number 2

Storyline - Man tells friend not to eat a special snack, however, he doesn't tell him what he is specifically talking about, making his friend wonder that it may just be a sandwich. The friend goes to find something to eat, only to see the chocolate bar and upon not knowing that it is a special snack, he eats it. The ad will then show the information about the chocolate and will conclude with the friend taking the chocolate and not knowing that there was a note which said not to take it and eat it

Representation - One strict friend who doesn't appreciate things being taken from him without permission and one respectful friend who tries to respect his friend's wishes

Conventions of a TV ad - Close up of the chocolate bar, the sound effect of the chocolate bar is broken into two, diegetic sound for the dialogue

Convention of a print ad - Logo placed on the top of the print ad, the image of the twirl inside the chocolate placed in the middle of the print ad at the top angle of it 

Key message - The Twirl is what stands out in the chocolate

Slogan - “You can't resist the Flake”

Call to action - find out more about the chocolate

The link between the two adverts - they include the characters in both 


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