Idea Number 1

Storyline - A man asks his brother for help to find his phone. They both look in separate places while trying to find the phone, with the man looking upstairs and his brother looking downstairs. The brother finds a chocolate bar in the kitchen and in a moment of distraction, decides to open it and eat it. When his friend asked if he’s found it, the teen will say yes as he is distracted while eating the chocolate 

Representation - one worried man in their 20s who wants to try and find his phone and one caring and helpful teen who provides assistance in helping

Conventions TV ad - Mid shot of the two representations, with the adult telling his brother about his phone, diegetic sound used, such as the chocolate packet opening, filmed during the day. Clear visual of the chocolate and the packet presented near the end of the ad

Conventions of a print ad - slogan, clear image of the chocolate bar and what it contains inside of it, the logo of the company, which is Cadbury

Key message and approach - be a helping hand to others. Gives the audience the idea that being helpful to others can get you things quicker. 

Slogan - “Help yourself to a Flake”

Call to action - the call to action would be to buy the chocolate

The link between the two advert - they both contain the logo of the company. Also, the Flake of the chocolate will be presented 


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